ISSN: 2695-9550
What is CEDEL2?
CEDEL2 stands for Corpus Escrito del Español como L2 (L2 Spanish Written Corpus).
CEDEL2 is a large database containing the language produced by learners of Spanish as a second/foreign language (L2). This database is called a language ‘corpus’.
This is the new version of CEDEL2 (version 2), which already incorporates the data from the earlier version (CEDEL2 version 1).
CEDEL2 currently amounts to a total of 4,399 participants and 1,105,936 words, which makes it one of the largest corpora of its kind.
CEDEL2 holds data from learners of Spanish with different L1 backgrounds (where ‘L1’ means the learners’ mother tongue and ‘L2’ their foreign language):

- L1 English-L2 Spanish
- L1 German-L2 Spanish
- L1 Dutch-L2 Spanish
- L1 French-L2 Spanish
- L1 Portuguese-L2 Spanish
- L1 Italian-L2 Spanish
- L1 Greek-L2 Spanish
- L1 Russian--L2 Spanish
- L1 Japanese-L2 Spanish
- L1 Chinese-L2 Spanish
- L1 Arabic-L2 Spanish
For comparative purposes, CEDEL2 also contains data from native speakers whose L1 is:
- L1 Spanish natives (Spanish and Latin American varieties)
- L1 English natives (British, American and other varieties)
- L1 Japanese natives
- L1 Portuguese natives
- L1 Greek natives
- L1 Arabic natives
Can I use/download CEDEL2?
- To search or download the corpus straight away, click on the tab ‘Search/Download’.
- Click on the tab ‘User guide’ for instructions and details.
- If you use CEDEL2, please cite the corpus appropriately: ‘About’ > How to cite CEDEL2.
Can I participate in CEDEL2?
You can contribute in two ways:
IF YOU ARE A LEARNER OF SPANISH OR A NATIVE SPEAKER:- We are still collecting data from learners and natives for our future CEDEL2 version 3.
- If you participate as a learner of Spanish, you will get your score in the Spanish placement test for free, plus a certificate of participation.
- Participate here:
- If you are a teacher/researcher of Spanish, you can collaborate in the data collection.
- There are many ways of doing this and your learners can benefit from it. Please get in touch with the CEDEL2 director (Cristóbal Lozano, Universidad de Granada) by clicking on the tab ‘Contact’.
Open Data Science
CEDEL2 follows the Open Data Science philosophy. CEDEL2 is publicly available, fully searchable and freely downloadable. It is licensed under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ES) . You can use CEDEL2 data for your research/teaching purposes provided you cite the corpus appropriately.
Further info
- For contact and further details, please get in touch with the CEDEL2 director (Cristóbal Lozano, Universidad de Granada) by clicking on the tab ‘Contact’.
- For details on how to cite CEDEL2, click on the tab ‘About’ > ‘How to cite CEDEL2’
CEDEL2 has been publicly funded over the past 15 years by several research project grants from the Spanish Government, which we gratefully acknowledge: FFI2016-75106-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad); FFI2012-30755 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad); FFI2008-01584/FILO (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación); HUM2005-01728/FILO (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia).